Learning out of school
Maths resources to support parents
Maths clip May 27th 2020
Children learn in many different ways. We use a variety of resources in school to help all children with numeracy.
Here are a list of some of the resources we use in school - there is also a downloadable list of resources below this video.
Some activities sent home might refer to these resources.
Hopefully this clip will explain the value of these resources and why we teach certain aspect of number using these and why we teach number in a certain way.
I hope this is useful. Please get in contact with your class teacher or myself (Miss Cleland) if you have any queries or need anything numeracy based explained.
We teach numeracy in many different ways and it can be confusing to the way us adults were taught in school.
I hope this clip will answer some of your questions/queries to why we teach in a certain way.
Children learn in many different ways. We use a variety of resources in school to help all children with numeracy.
Here are a list of some of the resources we use in school - there is also a downloadable list of resources below this video.
Some activities sent home might refer to these resources.
Hopefully this clip will explain the value of these resources and why we teach certain aspect of number using these and why we teach number in a certain way.
I hope this is useful. Please get in contact with your class teacher or myself (Miss Cleland) if you have any queries or need anything numeracy based explained.
We teach numeracy in many different ways and it can be confusing to the way us adults were taught in school.
I hope this clip will answer some of your questions/queries to why we teach in a certain way.
Dear Parents,
There are so many ways to support all aspects of numeracy at home.
There are some examples mentioned in this supporting numeracy at home clip below this. A lot of ideas are for the FS and KS1 children. I am sure you have a lot more that you can share with other parents too.
There is also a list of links to resources that may useful for home learning.
Vocabulary is important in numeracy and using key words such as half when cutting up an apple or orange supports the image of what a half looks like.This is early fraction work!
Numeracy is used every day and it is just making children realise when they are using mathematical concepts.
We hope you enjoy exploring and having fun with numeracy at home.
If you would like any more support with numeracy please get in touch with us.
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