Learning out of school
Resources to support parents
Dear Parents,
Never before has all our mental health and well-being been more important.
You may be finding the children are experiencing some days that are better than others when it comes to taking part in learning out of school, It can be a challenge to manage their emotions and be away from their wider family and friends.
The best laid plans in households across the country each day might follow this pattern - start with a Joe Wicks workout at 9am, followed by some school work but by 11am everyone is ready to run for the hills!
- It is important to focus on learning but at the same time we all need to get used to a new routine.
- Please don’t worry if you haven’t quite achieved everything you hoped to that day, or that week!
- Be patient and be kind - it’s not worth the arguments.
New learning out of school packs staff will be sent home on Monday 11th January to cover a 5 week period.
Over this 5 week period we will make use of a blended approach to learning including online tools accessed through SeeSaw/Google Classroom/ school website and material in the packs sent home last week.
The key skills we would suggest you focus on are reading and mental maths.
By using Bug Club to read books that your child’s teacher has allocated, at a level that is suitable for your child, the children can answer questions as they read, and show their understanding of the texts.
The maths games available on Times Tables Rock Stars, NUMBOTS and Purple Mash are FANTASTIC, and a fun way to practice those vital maths skills and develop fact fluency and accuracy. A solid foundation for future maths work.
Keeping a diary can be a great way of developing those writing skills and also allowing your child to express how they feel during these times. By jotting down activities and feelings, this will help them to explore their emotions and to reflect on their day.
If you haven’t got connected with your child's class yet on SeeSaw/ Google Classroom please do so soon as there is a lot happening on there and lots of it is very exciting.
Any problems with any of this please fill out our online help log (CLICK HERE) and get in contact. We will help you.
Keep an eye on the school website, Facebook/Twitter and Google classroom as we will keep you all updated.