Upcoming Events that the PTA are holding at school.
Our Colour Run for Action Cancer We held a Colour Run for Action Cancer. The PTA helped to organise the event along with the School Council and staff. A big shout-out to the PTA Mums and Dads who gave up their afternoon to throw the colours at the children as they ran the course!
Some Information and Pictures from Events that the PTA have run at school.
20 November 2023 The PTA launched their Christmas Fair preparations today. The notes went home last week about collecting items for the sale to bring in next week – old toys, bric a brac, items for the Tombola, books, jigsaws and much more. Also ‘Befriend a Bear’ scheme where you can bring in a cuddly toy you don’t play with and someone else might be able to give the teddy a new home.
Today the books of Grand Christmas Draw Ballot tickets were sent home – Books of 6 - £1 each or all 6 for £5.
Guess the Number of Sweeties in the Jar – Available to guess from tomorrow! 20p a guess or 6 guesses for £1. Guess the Name of the Teddy – Available to have your guess from tomorrow. 50p per guess.
Halloween 2023
The PTA organised a fantastic Halloween Disco - Actually two discos - one for P1-P4 and one for P5-P7. The children had great fun dressing up, dancing and playing party games with their classmates and friends. We had a coffee area for mums and dads to chill out away from the fun, games and music. There was juice and crisps for the children and the PTA ran a Tuck Shop with sweeties, glow sticks and bracelets. Thanks must go to all the PTA Committee who helped organise the event, decorate the hall and foyer, make the tea, organise the sweetie treat bags, buy the crisps/juice and all the many other jobs to make the night a success. Thanks must also go to all the teachers who gave up their evening to dress up and help with the disco. This year we also had a super Balloon Arch courtesy of Natalie and Vicky along with super decorations provided by William. Thanks to our two brilliant DJs, Miss F and Miss B who kept the discos going at full speed all night!
Shorts & Shades Day
After all the beautiful sun we have enjoyed over the past few weeks it was a rainy start to our PTA Shorts and Shades Fun Day. However that did not ‘dampen’ the children’s enthusiasm or willingness to enjoy all the activities of the day. They had a range of outside activities as the day brightened with our swimmers off to the pool on Friday morning as usual and the TWO MASSIVE Bouncy Castles in full swing all day. The hall was set up for gymnastic circuits and different classes were out enjoying our grounds for outdoor games and fun. We all enjoyed a super ‘Hot Dog Lunch’ courtesy of the PTA. We would like to thank the PTA committee members for all their hard work and also all the teaching and Non-teaching staff for ‘going the extra mile’ to make the day special for our children.
Book Bingo Night (With the PTA's Help)
Our Red Disco - February 2023
Our Grand PTA CHRISTMAS FAIR Some photos from our PTA Christmas Sale. It was a terrific night with lots of fun and lots to buy and do!
Free Turkey - Christmas Draw
This lucky P1 girl won a Free Turkey for her family. The PTA had organised a £60 Food Voucher from a local Butcher of the family's choice. Each family was entered in the Draw which took place in our school assembly.
Halloween Disco
We held our first halloween Disco since 2019 in our school hall. We had two events - one for P1-P4 & the Hedgehogs and the Owls and then the second for the P5-P7 with the Squirrels and the Foxes. The children (and adults!) dressed up in amazing costumes and really enjoyed the music, the dancing, the party games and all the glow sticks and the halloween themed tuck shop! Our thanks to all the PTA members and the staff for making it a terrific night! Thank you to the amazing DJs - Miss Fitzsimons and Miss Bates - they did a great job with some cracking tunes all through the night! Also thank you to the parents and children who attended and supported the disco - We made £374.20 profit on the evening.
Shorts and Shades Day & the IFA Football Festival
PTA Summer Hamper Competitions - Some of our winners.