Dear Visitor,
Thank you for logging onto our website, I really hope you enjoy your visit.
This website is intended to help you discover more about the life and work of Downpatrick Primary School.
Please leave a message on the message board at the bottom of our HOME page.
Our aim is to provide a secure and happy environment in which each child will enjoy the widest variety of learning opportunities, and grow in confidence and independence. Our school welcomes children from all religious backgrounds.
In pursuit of this aim, we rely heavily on close co-operation between home and school, and there will be many opportunities for you to share in your child’s education. We believe that parents should feel welcome in this school and take a positive interest in their child's education.
It is also our aim to work as a team to make your child's school days as pleasant and enriching as possible. Your child's teacher, the vice-principal or I will be only too pleased to discuss any matter relating to your child's well-being at school.
My staff and I will always be available to discuss any aspect of your child’s development. I should like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation for you to visit the school, as no website visit can convey the stimulating environment that we provide for the children in our care.
We hope to see you soon.
Niall W. Stevenson
Thank you for logging onto our website, I really hope you enjoy your visit.
This website is intended to help you discover more about the life and work of Downpatrick Primary School.
Please leave a message on the message board at the bottom of our HOME page.
Our aim is to provide a secure and happy environment in which each child will enjoy the widest variety of learning opportunities, and grow in confidence and independence. Our school welcomes children from all religious backgrounds.
In pursuit of this aim, we rely heavily on close co-operation between home and school, and there will be many opportunities for you to share in your child’s education. We believe that parents should feel welcome in this school and take a positive interest in their child's education.
It is also our aim to work as a team to make your child's school days as pleasant and enriching as possible. Your child's teacher, the vice-principal or I will be only too pleased to discuss any matter relating to your child's well-being at school.
My staff and I will always be available to discuss any aspect of your child’s development. I should like to take this opportunity to extend an invitation for you to visit the school, as no website visit can convey the stimulating environment that we provide for the children in our care.
We hope to see you soon.
Niall W. Stevenson