The Eco-Council are made up of pupils and staff at our school who work together to try to make our school as environmentally friendly as possible. They meet and plan how we can help nature to flourish and develop in our very extensive grounds and make our school grounds somewhere that everyone can enjoy, pupils, staff, parents and the local wildlife including our insect life.
Pollinator Garden Grant - Mrs Alexander helped the Eco-Council to put together an application to Live Here Love Here / DAERA for us to develop a Pollinator Garden. This is an area which has plants which can attract pollinating insects. The insects like honey bees need the food the plants can supply, like nectar, and the plants need the insects to cross-pollinate their flowers and so make seeds to create the next generations of the plants.
The application was successful and we were able to buy large planters to grow plants and well as seats and benches for the children to be able to sit and enjoy nature as well as chat to their friends. The planters are made from recycled materials which helps stop waste.
Below are some pictures from our new garden...
The Garden helped us win our Fourth Green Flag for the school!