We will be displaying examples of the children's work and photographs showing life in our class throughout the year.
Below are activities from our class of 2023-24
Splash & Dash 2023
Activities from our class of 2022-23
Children In Need 2022 We loved taking part in Children In Need fun on Friday 18th November. We dressed up and did some Pudsey themed crafts. We also enjoyed a Children In Need themed Attention Autism activity.
Book Week 2023
Our walk around during the Splash & Dash!
Learning in action We have done lots of fine motor activities this term.
Structured Play This term we have enjoyed a range of play experiences.
Class Talk - September
Class Introduction
Watch the following video with your child to introduce them to their new class. The video will help familiarise your child with the adults in their new classroom and some of the rules & routines they will follow when they start school in August.