Monday 20 November 2023 The PTA launched their Christmas Fair preparations today. The notes went home last week about collecting items for the sale to bring in next week – old toys, bric a brac, items for the Tombola, books, jigsaws and much more. Also ‘Befriend a Bear’ scheme where you can bring in a cuddly toy you don’t play with and someone else might be able to give the teddy a new home.
Today the books of Grand Christmas Draw Ballot tickets were sent home – Books of 6 - £1 each or all 6 for £5.
Guess the Number of Sweeties in the Jar – Available to guess from tomorrow! 20p a guess or 6 guesses for £1. Guess the Name of the Teddy – Available to have your guess from tomorrow. 50p per guess.
Due to Storm Agnes the PTA AGM and The Parents' Info Evening - 'Learning Out of School' has been postponed until Wednesday 4 October 2023.